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Rutgers University Coaching Tools Essay


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with information as well as a “tool” you may be able to use in the future.  The assignment also requires you to think critically when analysing “tools” that may benefit you professionally.  This assignment asks you to take the perspective of a coach and/or someone who would have influence over a coach such as an Athletic Director.  However, the information in this assignment has a broad range of professions to which the information can apply.  

According to the “National Collegiate Athletic Association –  SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION An Athletics Tool Kit”… ; taking a comprehensive approach to alcohol and other drug prevention is the best way to assist athletes.  The Toolkit contains 10 key areas of focus for Athletic Departments.  We know that one of the biggest influences on athletes are their Coaches.  Coaches are one of the key areas addressed in the tool kit.  The NCAA has developed a program to address substance abuse (specifically alcohol) which focuses on Division III schools; however the information is relevant to all athletics programs and other professions.  The entire “360 Proof” program contains a Personal Feedback Inventory and education for Athletes as well as areas of information for other professions.  Within the 360 Proof program is a specific area for Coaches

  • Participate in viewing the Coaches section of “360 Proof” There are Five modules you will participate in (they are brief).  
  • Once you have completed viewing the Five modules, discuss the Coaches Modules.   Include your thoughts about whether you feel the Modules would be beneficial for Coaches and/or other professionals to participate in.  Include at least three things you learned from the Modules.  Discuss anything you do not agree with or “like” and/or things you agreed with or “liked” about the Coaches Modules.  Address if you were in an administration position, if you would require Coaches to have training in substance abuse and if you would use the “360 Proof” Coaches Modules.  Include any additional comments, concerns, and/or suggestions.