Health Medical Homework Help

Ana G Mendez University Healthcare Informatics Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Paper


My Name is Roimer Gomez J and I’m taking classes for Family Nurse Practitioner. This is a homework for next friday May 28. The class start at 6 pm.

Assignment 2.1 – Ethical Dilemma


  • The student will prepare a written essay regarding one (1) ethical topic on healthcare, where you will:
    • Explore and analyze the inconsistency factor of nursing within the selected topic.
    • Identify potential solutions to the selected ethical dilemma topic.
  • The essay will consist of 2-5 pages in length (not counting the cover and the reference page), with a minimum of three (3) professional, current references (not older than five years).
  • Use the APA manual (7th ed.) style and send it via Blackboard for evaluation.
  • Observe and avoid plagiarism by submitting your work to SafeAssign