Health Medical Homework Help

Harvard University Health Education The Cons of Vaping Discussion


I’m studying for my Health & Medical class and need an explanation.

The Argument:

To Vape or Not to Vape? Is Vaping a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes?

Choose to be Pro or Con

Proponents (pro) believe- Vaping is a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. They do not contain the many known carcinogenic ingredients that cause chronic disease and death. They also allow people a method of smoking cessation that will help them quit the use of nicotine altogether.

Opponents believe (Con)- E-cigarettes are potentially explosive devices that addict teens and young adults to nicotine and most likely cause unknown serious health problems.

Research 3 Key Pro or Con points about the Vaping debate depending on what position you choose. You will only represent either the Pro side or the Con side. NOTE: You can take either side of the issue despite your personal beliefs.

Make sure you indicate whether you are representing the Pro- position or Con(example: I am taking the Pro -position because……) position then:

List/describe your 3 key points. Make sure you include why you believe these points (you must back up your opinion with at least one reference for each point!).