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Measures of Having Implemented Community Coalition or Consortia Paper


Discussion 9:

Select and answer one of the following questions by Friday:

Involvement of community coalitions and consortia in the implementation of health programs has become widespread. What would be possible and appropriate measures or indicators of having implemented community coalitions or consortia as part of the program delivery?

  1. What would you suggest as methods and techniques to avoid the failure of interventions? Justify your ideas in terms of the various ways that interventions can fail.

    Discussion 10:

Select and answer one of the following questions by Friday:

Imagine that you need to explain to a community of stakeholders the difference between a quality improvement approach and a process evaluation approach. What would you summarize as being unique to each approach, and what are the similarities between the two approaches?

Construct a hypothetical flowchart for Bowe County and Lay­etteville’s program to increase the rates of immunizations for adults, beginning with recruitment and proceeding through complete immunization.

  1. Look at the scatter diagram, Pareto chart, and control chart in Figure 10.1, which were based on data from 20 women in the Congenital Anomalies Prevention Program in Layetteville. For each one, write one statement that describes the key informa­tion conveyed in that chart. Based on these three statements, what would you recommend to the program manager in terms of quality improvement?

Of the different types of accountability, which do you view as most important, most difficult to achieve, and of most value to stakeholders? Justify and explain your choices.

To obtain accurate measures of coverage, what information systems and data collection methods need to be in place? Which steps can ensure that these elements are put in place in a timely manner?