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Rhode Island College A Dilemma in Male Engagement in Preventive Services Discussion


Hello, the assignment is to respond to these two discussion post. The topic is about nursing assessment of the Genitourinary system. Please see attached rubric for discussion response requirement. Please type discussion 1 and put your response under it as if you were replying to the writer. Be sure to include references of peer reviewed article used in theresponse. Each discussion should include 3 references. 400 words to each response.

Discussion 1: Morgan Parmeter

I would start by having him confirm both his name and DOB to ensure that I have the correct patient. I would want to ask permission to teach him the correct/proper way. I would want to approach him in an understanding and open way. I would want to be able to answer all of the questions that he may possibly have. I definitely need to express the importance of doing this on a regular basis. “…testicular self-exam is performed once a month only by 17.41% of surveyed men, 28.13% of men perform the exam once in a few months, and 54.46% do not do it at all” (Nowicki, 2017) I want to be as thorough as I can and explaining what everything means. Patient education is crucial! I want to make sure that I have all of his questions answered and to provide resources for him to use. Having him be self-aware is important and advocating for himself is as well.

This gives the patient room to know his baseline and things to watch out for. If anything is new or looks abnormal, I want to make sure that I am giving the resources he needs to reach out and ask any questions that he may have. Some of the questions I want to ask him are: Do you have any lesions? Any abnormalities or changes that you have noticed? Is it painful? Any color changes or swelling? This type of self exam is to be done out of the shower because the body is warm. This type of exam is called the Self Testicular Exam (STE). “The best time for you to examine your testicles is during or after a bath or shower, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed” (ACS, 2021) I would want to explain what a normal finding is as well to give him some reference. “It’s normal for one testicle to be slightly larger than the other, and for one to hang lower than the other” (ACS, 2021)

It is important to provide him the information that he will need to perform this correctly and what to look out for. It’s good to give him a frame of reference and provide any resources that might be helpful for him. Patient advocacy is very important. This is nothing to be embarrassed about because they are simply helping take care of themselves. “Results suggest that perception of humor reduced anxiety about self-exams, which, in turn, related to more positive self-exam attitudes. Simultaneously, humor perception associated with greater message processing motivation, which, in turn, associated with more supportive self-exam attitudes.” (Nabi, 2016) I thought that this article was pretty interesting to read and made a lot of sense. It is important to make them feel safe and that they are being heard. It is important to encourage them to speak up and come to us with any concerns that he may have.

Brittany Ferreira

Testicular cancer is most common in 15-35 year-olds and has a 99% cure rate if caught in time. This makes it extremely important for young males to become familiar with their anatomy and feel their testicles on a regular basis so they know what their “normal” testicles feel like. This will make is much easier for them to be able to spot if there has been any changes. Teaching a 16 year old male to do a self testicular exam can be embarrassing for the patient. I would want to have a calm, professional demeanor and use correct medical terminology. You want to try to make the patient feel as comfortable as possible.

“Doctors recommend that boys start doing monthly exams around age 14. At this age, it’s unlikely you will find anything to be concerned about. However, a self-exam will give you the chance to get to know your body so that you can detect changes more easily in the future.” (Brennan, 2019).

Self-exam technique:
1. shower first , the warm water helps relax the scrotum
2. standing in front of a mirror; check for any lumps or swelling
3. Using your middle and index and thumb gently feel one testicle by feeling or rolling the testicle between your fingers. Make sure to feel the entire surface. Find the epididymis (which is a soft, tube-like structure at the back of the testicle that collects and carries sperm) and check for any lumps using the same technique.
4. using the same technique move to the other testicle and check the entire surface and the epididymis.
5. If you find any swelling, hard lumps, tenderness or a painful swollen scrotum see your healthcare provider right away.
6. repeat this month a month
(Bickley et al. 2021).

“young men and adolescent males are one of the most medically underserved populations in the United States in several aspects of health care, including sexual health and screening. Recommendations about promoting the testicular self-examination (TSE) vary between professional organizations; however, clinicians who decide to promote the technique must frame their education in developmentally appropriate ways and base their approach on methods proven to work with the target population. The purpose of this literature review is to evaluate interventions published in the peer-reviewed literature to identify which types of methods are effective in teaching TSE to young males (≤ 35 years). Fourteen publications were included in this review. Techniques involving direct education from health care professionals, the use of reminder cards, teaching with use of mannequins, and provision of professional information were most effective in increasing regular TSE. Ineffective interventions included using only written material and employing humor or comedy in an attempt to appeal to young populations.” (Thornton, 2016).

See below for the case study they responded to.

The nurse practitioner has asked you to teach a 16-year-old boy about examining his testicles. What will be your approach? What information is important to teach this patient? ( Please DO NOT answer this question, I already did. All that is needed of this assignment is to respond to the discussion board.