Health Medical Homework Help

HR 1205 Improving Emergency Department Access to Mental Health Questionnaire


You are the policy director for a major healthcare/public health advocacy organization (such as the American Medical Association, American Public Health Association, American Diabetes Association, American Association of Retired People, etc.). You have been tasked with developing a plan to get a piece of legislation passed that your organization supports. The legislation you select should be a real bill that has been or is before Congress (or state legislature).

Please develop your advocacy and communications plan by answering the following questions. Utilize assigned readings (particularly the Advocating for Change readings) to guide this assignment. Keep in mind that this plan should reflect the needs and opinions of the organization you hypothetically represent and be supported by real evidence. This assignment is not about promoting personal political opinions.

You can draw information from course materials and outside sources (and you will need to use outside sources). Be sure to cite your sources for information that you include below and put any direct quotes in quotation marks (linked to footnotes).

In previous offerings of this course, there has been some difficulty in finding whether or not an organization supports or does not support a particular piece of legislation. Therefore, if you are encountering this difficulty, you may reverse the approach in this manner.

In lieu of starting with an organization (e.g., American Medical Association, American Public Health Association, etc.) and finding a piece of legislation passed that the organization supports or does not support, you can select a piece of legislation and proceed with the assignment from the perspective of an applicable organization that would support or oppose the legislation. For example, you could select:

A bill for mandatory vaccination of children attending public schools and you take the position from the American Association of Pediatrics:

Or you could act as American Medical Association for this bill introduced to improve the prior authorization process:

You will still need to answer the ten questions for the assignment.

Your responses can be succinct. Bullet points are encouraged. Present your findings in the spaces below.