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PHE 540 SNHU Globalization & Public Health Concern Intervention Planning Worksheet


Using SMOKING as your Global Health Issues .For this assignment, you will form an action plan for a health intervention that involves globalization. Please read the recommended resources listed above to learn (1) how to form an action plan and (2) the role of globalization in public health practice.

Finding a population-based policy, program, project, OR intervention:

You may search the websites of authoritative public health entities–such as CDC and WHO, among several others. Find a policy, program, project, or intervention that has been developed for a specific population to combat your chosen issue/disease. (The policy, program, project or intervention does NOT need to be used across multiple countries because the connection to global health is based upon the health concern and not upon any specific policy, program, project, or intervention used within a particular country). Once you have a hypothetical intervention concept, please complete Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Intervention Planning Worksheet.