Health Medical Homework Help

Active Health Institute Nursing Procedures Questions


I. On assessment, the nurse notes that a client with acute kidney injury (AKI) has  developed fine crackles in the lung bases bilaterally.

 a. What should the nurse do? 

b. Describe the phases of the AKI and laboratory findings (Onset, Oliguric Phase, Diuretic  Phase, Recovery Phase)

c. Include nursing interventions

II. About Chronic Kidney Disease:

a. Causes

b. Progression of CKD (Stage of CKD and estimated GFR)

c. Clinical Manifestations

III. Air embolism in a client receiving hemodialysis. 

Priority nursing actions.

a. Complications of hemodialysis

 IV. The nurse is collecting data from a client. Which symptom described by the client is  characteristic of an early symptom of benign prostatic hyperplasia?

a. Nocturia 

b. Scrotal edema

c. Occasional constipation

d. Decreased force in the stream of urine