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Bakersfield College Kinesiology Research Interview Analysis


For this Research Assignment, I would like for you to set up a meeting with a practicing professional of your choice. Preferably, this individual is a professional within the field or sub-discipline that you are interested in. Prior to the meeting, please create a series of questions to ask the individual. Plan to spend around 30 minutes with the professional and ask questions about job responsibilities, satisfaction, training, professional development, and so forth.

It is important that you are organized and well prepared. If possible, try to shadow the professional to observe them in action (this may require an additional 30 minutes and may have to be done at a separate time depending on each person’s schedule).

Below I have listed 20 potential questions. For the assignment, you must ask at least 15 questions of the individual. You are welcome to ask more and you are not limited to the questions below. If you would like, you may ask different or additional questions. When formatting your assignment you may format it in outline form by typing the question and their response or you may format it in an essay / paragraph style. Just be sure to clarify the questions and their answers.

Also, please be sure to include the name, title, and place of employment of the individual you interview.

Finally, please provide your reaction / response to the information that you gained from this individual. Think about some the questions that I’ve listed below for you.

What surprised you? What new knowledge / information did you gain? Did this interview cause you to re-think the major of Kinesiology or possibly cause you to change your sub-discipline?

Potential Interview Questions:

1. Could you describe one of your typical workdays?
2. What skills are required in your position on a day-to-day basis?
3. What parts of your job do you find most challenging?
4. What do you find most enjoyable about your job?
5. Are there any negatives to your job?
6. How many hours do you work in a typical week?
7. Which seasons of the year are toughest in your job?
8. What advice would you give to someone going to school to become a professional in this field?
9. Are too many or too few people entering this profession?
10. What developments on the horizon could affect future opportunities?

11. What would be a reasonable salary range to expect if I entered this field? What is the long-term potential?
12. What is the advancement potential in the field? What is a typical path?
13. How did you get your job?
14. If you could start all over again, would you change your career path in any way? Why?
15. What educational preparation would you recommend for someone who wants to advance in this field?
16. What qualifications do you think I would need to be a new hire once I finish my education?

17. How do most people enter this profession?

18. What professional journals and organizations should I be aware of?

19. Considering all the people you’ve met in your field, what personal attributes are essential for success?

20. Is there anything else you think I need to know? Any advice?