Health Medical Homework Help

SEU Module 11 Violations of Health Insurance Provisions Discussion


Module 11: Discussion Question

Module 11: Discussion Question

Locate a current news article discussing a company violating provisions for health insurance instituted by Saudi Arabia’s Council of Cooperative Health Insurance. What were the violations? How were the companies sanctioned? Do you think these regulations are important enough to warrant these penalties?

Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced. Post your initial response early, and check back often to continue the discussion.

You are required to reply to at least two of your peers’ answer posts to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post’s answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies, but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

SEU_DiscussionRubric.pdf SEU_DiscussionRubric.pdf – Alternative Formats