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SOW 3232 Miami Dade College Social Work Discussion


Social Worker’s Voice.jpg

Social Workers generally don’t showcase their talent on a television show, but we do use our voice to advocate on many platforms for micro, mezzo, and macro advocacy. Just like a singer, we need to practice our craft. It is not just the technical aspect of our voice that is important, but our overall professionalism is also key. 

Our voice is not just our spoken word, but our written word and our creative endeavors as well. 

In SOW 3232 we examined our written voice for advocacy in the form of a press release, editorial, and a letter to an influencer to advocate for a policy change. In this class, we will write a Social Welfare Policy Analysis Paper. This type of writing helps us to advocate as well – and it expands our social work voice! 

In this course, we will also use our voice in the oral form. Think about the oral presentation that Hasan Minhaj did in a congressional subcommittee about student loans. It was his prepared words as well as his oral voice that made the difference. His presentation – as well as his preparation – made the difference. In this course, you will do a few verbal advocacy presentations: Verbal Advocacy Presentation: Micro Advocacy and Verbal Advocacy Presentation: Policy Change. 

Social Workers and advocates for change also use creativity to advocate for change. The #sayhername is an example of creativity – and the posters, artwork, and videos make a difference. Look at the power of Lincoln Project ads at getting their point across. Watch this video – and note the power of what can be conveyed in just one minute. (Links to an external site.)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights details 30 different articles, and examine this video that explains Article I. In less than one minute, the creators educated us about the first article (All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood). Watch this video – and realize how the content teaches us with words and moves us with images to make their point. (Links to an external site.)

One of your assignments will be a Creative Endeavor to help you learn the skills of using technology to expand your voice. 

As we use our voice in oral, written, or creative endeavors, we want to make sure that our perspective is multi-faceted. In SOW 3232 we emphasized that you want to include structure, relevant history, currency, and our social work perspective. 

  • Examine-in Four (4) Key Areas
    • Structure
      • Constitution
      • Federal, State and Local Law (Ordinance)
    • Relevant History
      • Issue
      • Population
    • Currency
      • Informed Citizenship
      • Media (NYT)
    • Social Work
      • NASW Code of Ethics  & Values
      • CSWE Competency-based Education
      • Research