Health Medical Homework Help

NYU Fundamental Principles of Resistance Training Outline


I’m working on a fitness project and need support to help me learn.

  1. Based on the sample resistance training programs guidelines listed on page 119 and utilizing the information in Chapter 6, create AND PERFORM a total body resistance training program for you to do at home or at the gym with only your bodyweight – no added resistance and list the following information:
    1. Warm-Up: exercise name, muscle targeted, repetitions/time, total duration of warm up
    2. Workout Exercise Order
      1. Muscle group targeted
      2. Exercise Name(s)
      3. # of Sets/rounds
      4. # of Repetitions or time period (you can use a timer and do timed intervals or choose to do a specific # of repetitions)
    3. Rest Periods Between Sets & Exercises
    4. Cool-Down Exercises: exercise names, total duration of cool down
    5. Stretching Exercises: exercise name, muscle targeted, volume/time, total duration of stretching
    6. Written Reflection:
      1. How was the workout? Was it what you expected?
      2. What was your experience during it:
        1. Struggles versus triumphs
        2. Would you do this workout again? Why or why not?
        3. What would you change, if anything, for the next time?