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Week 5 discussion forum


Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Reflecting on General Education and Career [WLOs: 2, 3, 4] [CLOs: 2, 3, 4]

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the articles Teaching Writing Skills That Enhance Student Success in Future Employment ; An Inner Barrier to Career Development: Preconditions of the Impostor Phenomenon and Consequences for Career Development; and 9 Questions That’ll Help You Find Your Dream Career; watch the video Business, Management & Administration; and review the General Education Curriculum found in General Academic Information and Policies in the University of Arizona Global Campus Catalog. This catalog addresses the core competencies that the general education courses must cover: Ethical Reasoning, Written Communication, Oral and Interpersonal Communication, Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, and Quantitative Reasoning.

Reflect: Think about the core competencies as previously mentioned, and ponder your time taking general education courses. Reflect on the specific courses not associated with your college major and determine the level of new information you have acquired that relates to the core competencies. You must also think about a potential job you might apply to once you graduate and determine what skills you developed through general education courses that make you qualified for a specific job.

Write: For this discussion, you will address the following prompts:

  • Review a job description through a job website (e.g., Career Builder, Monster, etc.) in your desired career field. Please provide the job title and the link to the job description.
  • Identify at least five skills you have obtained through your general education courses that will make you successful at this job.
  • Demonstrate with at least two examples how your newly acquired knowledge and skills have shaped both your personal and professional development.
  • Describe your plans for putting your education to use within your community.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference entries of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations (see In-Text Citation Helper) and references (see Formatting Your References List).

Respond to Peers: Review your classmates’ posts, and respond to at least two of your peers by Day 7. In your responses, provided feedback on the different skills your peers have acquired that would make them successful in their chosen career field. Each participation post should be a minimum of 75 words.

Megan Covey

Aug 26, 2021 at 10:08 PM

Week 5- Discussion

Review a job description through a job website (e.g., Career Builder (Links to an external site.), Monster (Links to an external site.), etc.) in your desired career field. Please provide the job title and the link to the job description.

Preschool Program Director

Little Sunshine’s Playhouse & Preschool

Granite Bay, CA–576675cf-0dd0-4187-8890-942e250048c9

Identify at least five skills you have obtained through the general education courses that will make you successful at this job.

As a preschool program director, you must be knowledgeable with the children in your care and be a people person who is friendly and inviting. They are looking for someone to do anything with this position, including family tours, community involvement, licensing standards, and much more. According to the General Academic Information and Policies in the UAGC Catalog, my general education knowledge has prepared me for written and oral communication, problem-solving abilities, thinking and resolving an issue or problem critically, and the ability to be a lifelong learner. For this position, you need all these qualities and skills to be successful. For example, oral and written communication is essential for running a successful team and communicating with the families in your care. Being a lifelong learner is vital to being up to date on all the new licensing rules and regulations, plus wanting to learn more about child development by attending seminars and conferences.

Demonstrate with at least two examples how your newly acquired knowledge and skills have shaped both your personal and professional development.

My personal and professional development has changed dramatically. For example, after completing my general education course called communication studies, I gained more confidence in public speaking. I now can do speeches at my local community events or hold a staff meeting with confidence. With my critical thinking and reasoning skills, I can think about an issue, see both sides, and come to a logical conclusion. With my researching abilities, I can find reliable resources and provide the correct information before making a rational decision.

Describe your plans for putting your education to use within your community.

Within my community, I have already started the process of getting more involved. Not only am I on the board of my local chamber helping to promote new and old local businesses in my area. I attend local rallies in support of helping my community and doing my part to be more active when it comes to using my education and knowledge. With this position, I would advocate for the school I worked at by attending local community meets and getting the name of this school out into the community.


University of Arizona Global Campus. (n.d.). General Academic Information and Policies (Links to an external site.).…

essica Weiser

Aug 29, 2021 at 2:09 PM

Hello Class,

1. Review a job description through a job website (e.g., Career Builder (Links to an external site.), Monster (Links to an external site.), etc.) in your desired career field. Please provide the job title and the link to the job description.

Human Resources Jobs in Bristol, PA – Apply Now | CareerBuilder

Human Resource Assistant

2. Identify at least five skills you have obtained through your general education courses that will make you successful at this job.

The job of Human Resource Assistant requires good software skills, including excel which I am very familiar with because I utilize these at my job daily. I have previous experience with Administration, record keeping, and clerical work. My general education knowledge has prepared me with critical thinking skills, communication, verbal and written, and the ability to problem-solve. To work in Human Resources you need to acquire a positive attitude, written and verbal communication skills, and reporting skills. With the help of my general education courses, I am able to successfully attribute to these requirements.

3. Demonstrate with at least two examples how your newly acquired knowledge and skills have shaped both your personal and professional development.

My personal and professional development has shown improvement. One example is knowing how to identify the credibility of information. I was someone who used to believe anything on the internet, now I look for peer-reviewed to scholarly information. I understand the importance of credible information. Another example of newly acquired knowledge I have shaped is effective speaking. I took this class at a Community College and had to do five presentations in from of thirty people. I was always someone who was shy and quiet. After taking this class, I am no longer scared or nervous to speak and I gained confidence in doing so.

4. Describe your plans for putting your education to use within your community.

In my community, I plan to share my knowledge and experience and lead by example. I teach to never give up and inform people that it is never too late to continue their education and pursue their dreams. I actually give to the homeless and teach others to be humble because you never know what someone is growing through.

essica Weiser

Aug 29, 2021 at 2:11 PM

Hello Class,

1. Review a job description through a job website (e.g., Career Builder (Links to an external site.), Monster (Links to an external site.), etc.) in your desired career field. Please provide the job title and the link to the job description.

Human Resources Jobs in Bristol, PA – Apply Now | CareerBuilder (Links to an external site.)

Human Resource Assistant

Apply for Human Resources Assistant |

2. Identify at least five skills you have obtained through your general education courses that will make you successful at this job.

The job of Human Resource Assistant requires good software skills, including excel which I am very familiar with because I utilize these at my job daily. I have previous experience with Administration, record keeping, and clerical work. My general education knowledge has prepared me with critical thinking skills, communication, verbal and written, and the ability to problem-solve. To work in Human Resources you need to acquire a positive attitude, written and verbal communication skills, and reporting skills. With the help of my general education courses, I am able to successfully attribute to these requirements.

3. Demonstrate with at least two examples how your newly acquired knowledge and skills have shaped both your personal and professional development.

My personal and professional development has shown improvement. One example is knowing how to identify the credibility of information. I was someone who used to believe anything on the internet, now I look for peer-reviewed to scholarly information. I understand the importance of credible information. Another example of newly acquired knowledge I have shaped is effective speaking. I took this class at a Community College and had to do five presentations in from of thirty people. I was always someone who was shy and quiet. After taking this class, I am no longer scared or nervous to speak and I gained confidence in doing so.

4. Describe your plans for putting your education to use within your community.

In my community, I plan to share my knowledge and experience and lead by example. I teach to never give up and inform people that it is never too late to continue their education and pursue their dreams. I actually give to the homeless and teach others to be humble because you never know what someone is growing through.