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Rasmussen College Caring in The Margins by Enestvedt Article Discussion Questions


Please read the article – Caring in the Margins by Enestvedt  et al. (2018). The article discusses essential skills in transcultural  nursing around issues of equity and social justice.  Consider ‘aha’  takeaways while/after you read the article. The synthesis and  application post focuses on getting you to think a bit deeper on this  topic, specific to your own profession and public health nursing. There  are three questions for you to answer:

1. Consider your own profession. What do you see as opportunities for  adopting pieces of what you read in this article within your current  professions and/in public health nursing?

2.  Consider your own profession.  Are there pieces of what you read  in this article that you are struggling with and/or feel are not a fit regarding your profession and/or in public health nursing?

3.  What is something you want to know more about, as it relates to this article?