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West Coast University Culture Centered Leadership in Health Care Presentation


PPT- From the chosen topic, respond in detail, addressing each question or main point. Slides should be professional, well organized, show evidence of critical thinking and creativity. The slides should not contain paragraphs, but bullet points, highlighting your main ideas. The speaker notes section of each slide should include your narrative- what you would state if speaking to an audience. The bulk of your information should be listed here. Maximum of 12 slides, excluding title and reference slides. Three references listed within past five years listed in Current APA Style.


Infographic- An infographic is a visual representation of information. This is where you can get creative with color, graphics, data (chart or graph) and content information. From the chosen topic, respond in detail, addressing each question or main point. Three references listed within past five years listed in Current APA Style. You may use Piktochart, Canva, or any other graphic design program. Please submit your infographic as a PDF.infographic.jpg

Pamphlet- These are a great educational tool for an audience, it is reader friendly and provides a bulk of information in a small space. From the chosen topic, respond in detail, addressing each question or main point. The pamphlet should be professional, include images, broken down into three columns. Three references listed within past five years listed in Current APA Style.


Nurse managers must work with staff to foster respect of different lifestyles. As a future manager, how can you provide culture-centered leadership to influence your team members and care for a culturally diverse patient population? Please incorporate concepts of cultural humility, sensitivity, or competence and one cultural theory into your response.