Health Medical Homework Help

Program Components Constructs of the Theory and Timeline Discussion


You are working with a local health department that has been offered a one year grant for a health behavior intervention program in your community. In order to receive the grant funds you must submit a comprehensive program proposal outlining the intervention you will implement over the next year. The final proposal must be between 12-18 pages in length (excluding references and appendix). Final program proposal submissions must include utilize a theoretical approach to the behavioral intervention and must include the following sections: Introduction, Community Assessment, Theory/Model Justification, Program Description, Evaluation, and Conclusion.

For full Program Proposal assignment details, see the Program Proposal Guidelines in the course files.

For this assignment, you will be submitting part four of your program proposal, the Program Description. It should should be written in double spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font. Citations should be in APA format. See below for additional information on what should be included in your part four submission:

PART FOUR: Program Description 4-5 pages

  • Describe your developed program components and activities
    • Components/activities should be clearly aligned with the (1) constructs of your chosen theory/model and to (2) a time-frame within the one-year project
    • ALL program components/activities should be justified with previous research or intervention programs.
    • Utilization of your community resources identified in your community assessment is required
    • Description of who will implement your program components/activities is required
  • Sustainability