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Purdue University Diabetes Prevention Program Virginia Questions


  1. You have been assigned to be a volunteer at the YMCA for the Diabetes Prevention Program. You will be providing a health education class focusing on healthy lifestyle changes (e.g., diet/physical activity) for people identified as having high A1C levels, but not quite having diabetes yet. Your supervisor tells you to implement the program (which currently focuses on the individual level, and is based on education-only methods).You are nervous to do it, but since you’re trained in the social and behavioral sciences, you decide to ask your boss if you can make a single modification to the Diabetes Prevention Program to increase the odds of it being effective.
    1. What is the one modification that you would make to the Diabetes Prevention Program to increase its effectiveness/reach?
    2. On day one of the program, you realize that some of your students don’t really realize why they are enrolled in your class. They just say, “I don’t have sugar yet, can’t I just take the pill from the doctor if I get it?”
    3. Using plain language, what is a possible response that you could give to your students so that they understand diabetes a little bit better, and why they should try to prevent themselves from getting diabetes in the first place.
    4. Create an information leaflet/fact sheet that is suitable for this audience (choose an area/locality if necessary).