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NYU Formative and Summative Assessments Discussion


Peer discussion post responses.

Peer #1 Liv

As an educator, I am evaluated a certain number of times per year based on the number of years I have been teaching in my district. I am usually evaluated on a core subject area by an administrator in my building or district. This year for example, I was evaluated three times. Two of these evaluations were formative evaluations and the last one was considered my summative evaluation. In education, the formative evaluations are completed with the intention that I will be able to receive feedback and areas of improvement. The summative evaluation is intended to evaluate my ability to use that feedback and improve my performance. The summative evaluation determines my job status for the following school year. when it comes to research, or psychological studies, “Formative evaluations are used in an iterative process to make improvements before production. Summative evaluations are used to evaluate a shipped product in comparison to a benchmark” (Joyce, 2019). The meanings of the terms are similar and generally the same, but have some differences in the different fields. I would use each of these evaluation methods when assessing outcomes of prevention programs, but I would use them at different times, and for different purposes. I would use formative assessments during the prevention program to assess how the program is working and if any changes need to be made as it is going on in real time. I would use summative assessments at the conclusion of the program to assess the effectiveness of the prevention program as a whole. When speaking specifically for my project, I would like to perform a formative evaluation or assessment at the end of each week to make sure the individuals needs are being met and there is nothing that needs to be modified or changed. This will ensure that the program will have a high chance of success for the individuals involved. I would use summative evaluations or assessments at the end of the program to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. I would use the results from the summative assessments for the individuals if they wanted feedback, and I would also use it when planning future prevention programs.


  • Joyce, A. (2019, July 28). Formative vs. summative evaluations. Nielsen Norman Group.

Peer #2 Liz

The reason to use formative assessment is to monitor student learning and provide ongoing feedback to staff and students. The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

In evaluating methods assessing the outcomes of the prevention programs I would use formative assessment and gather feedback from community members, parents, students, and schools. I would give out questionnaires, ask about students’ grades, schedule, organizational skills, overall behavior, and any other specific goals that were unique to that child or family. The summative assessment would be a comparison from start to certain points or goals that we would put into place for each child or family. Maybe they are choosing to eat dinner together and we want to make some gains and start out on a scale and then gradually as the child and family learn skills the scale percentage goes up. A gradual scale makes the task less daunting. We would also put into place other goals that we would like to meet but look at the most important ones first, the ones that make the most impact on the most people. A goal is any desired outcome that would be difficult to come to fruition without some kind of intervention (Berkman, 2018). A goal is a desired end, united with a set of steps that help the accomplishment of that end state (Berkman, 2018).

We also want confidence to build in the family. Making sure tasks are obtainable and tools are given so they feel successful. At any time the goals and tasks need to be modified we can meet as a group and make those changes. It should be a fluid live document that is ever changing to meet the needs of the family.


Berkman E. T. (2018). The Neuroscience of Goals and Behavior Change. Consulting psychology journal, 70(1), 28–44.

Peer # 3 Laura

Formative and summative evaluations are designed to measure cognitive, affective, and psychosocial learning in a particular program or project. The results are assessed in terms of how a person or group of people understand the information and can appropriately apply the intended behavioral change (Bhat, B, & Bhat, G., 2019). A formative and summative evaluation can be used to evaluate the outcomes of the prevention project. A formative assessment often involves a qualitative feedback method that focuses on a specific subject and the individual’s performance regarding that subject. It can be used to modify and improve teaching and learning simultaneously, as it identifies misconceptions, struggles, and learning gaps within the program. In addition to discovering weak points, it fosters learning process satisfaction and motivates better results. Some examples of formative assessments include quizzes, one minute writing reflections, in-class discussions, and surveys (Bhat, B. & Bhat, G., 2019). A summative assessment evaluates successful learning, skill acquisition and academic proficiency at the end of a program. The formative evaluation is related to the process of the program, while the summative evaluation is related to the product that resulted from the program itself. The purpose of the summative evaluation is to pass or fail the product or prevention program. Often, these include assigning formal essays, instructor-created exams, presentations, and projects (Bhat, B. & Bhat, G., 2019). I can use each of these evaluation methods in my prevention project. The formative evaluation will include to parts. First, I will administer a Post-PQH-A questionnaire to each of the adolescent participants to assess the level of depression and determine if the prevention program improved the severity or level of depressive symptoms. Next, I will have the participants complete a one minute writing reflection regarding their experiences throughout the program process. Additionally, the counselors will provide a web-based, final exam. The exam will evaluate successful learning, skill acquisition, and proficiency from each of the assigned educational sessions with the counselor. Likewise, the exam will assess learned coping strategies, and how adolescents understand how to incorporate each tactic in stressful situations in order to manage negative symptomology.


Bhat, B.A. & Bhat, G.J. (2019, June). Formative and summative evaluation techniques for improvement of learning process. European Journal of Business & Social Sciences, 7(5).