Health Medical Homework Help

HCMT 535 CC Healthcare Laws 26 A 3d 1 Vt 2011 09 309 State v Erwin Case Study


Case Study: Case Brief

The following Vermont Supreme Court opinion deals with a medical provider accused of a crime. Please note that the prosecuting attorney is David Tartar who taught in the Champlain College Master of Science in Law program.

Use the case briefing format (explained in the week #1 lectures) OR IRAC including the same type of information. You may use the case citation/reference as the title or add it at the end.

Length: 2-3 pages not including cover and reference pages


  • Case study
  • Week1 lecture 3
  • Week1 lecture 4
  • Week1 lecture 5

Please use minimum of 4 citations. Please do not forget to in-text citation.