Health Sciences homework help

Assuming that a dichotic listening experiment gives reliable results, WHICH OF THE STATEMENTS BEST STATES WHAT A DICHOTIC LISTENING EXPERIMENT SHOWS?a. This experiment shows that each ear can independently process auditory stimuli, allowing the hearer to correctly identify both.b. This experiment shows that delivering different stimuli simultaneously to the two ears creates a conflict such that the subject just hears linguistic “noise” rather than identifiable words.c. This experiment shows that the two ears must process auditory stimuli somewhat differently, causing a “preference” for which stimulus a subject hears.d. This experiment shows that only the right ear can process linguistic stimuli.e. This experiment shows that once a subject is primed to hear a sound played to either the right or the left ear, the subject will always say that the “heard” sound was the one played to that ear. #3Assuming that a dichotic listening experiment gives reliable results, WHICH OF THESTATEMENTS BEST STATES WHAT A DICHOTIC LISTENING EXPERIMENT SHOWS?AnswerThe correct option is highlighted as…