Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Common Problem of Ankle Strain. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Common Problem of Ankle Strain. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Instability to the joint occurs whenever there is a fracture of any of the bones of the joint or when there is a sprain. A sprain means damage to the ligament. It can be just stretching of the ligament or tearing or rupture of the ligament. Ankle sprains are the most common injuries to the ankle. In fact, they account for 85% of the injuries to the ankle (1). Most of the time the sprains are inversion sprains where the lateral ligaments are damaged.&nbsp.&nbsp.This is because of the bony and soft tissue anatomy of the ankle and the fact that the lateral malleolus extends further inferiorly than the medial malleolus (2). Other types include syndesmotic sprains and eversion sprains. It is important to diagnose and treat ankle sprains appropriately to prevent symptoms of chronic instability like loss of motion, strength, and proprioception (1).

Sprains of the ankle account for 38-45% of all injuries in sports (1). It is more common in those who are less active and in the elderly (1). No sex predominance has been noted (1). In about 40% of those who have suffered ankle sprains, chronic instability is a sequel (1).

19-year-old James was brought to the emergency department on a Saturday morning at 4 am following an injury to the right ankle as he tumbled over the steps while he was returning from a party. He looked intoxicated. On admission to the casualty, he was found to be in intense pain. Examination of the right ankle revealed moderate swelling at the joint with no external bruises and decreased movements at the joint. The pain was mainly localized to the lateral side. He could bear weight on that joint but with pain. Palpation ruled out the possibility of any fractures. There was no evidence of neurovascular compromise either. Past medical history was unremarkable. A diagnosis of grade-II ankle lateral ligament sprain was made in this patient. Ice with the help of an ice bag was applied locally.&nbsp.