Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on mahatma gandhi university Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on mahatma gandhi university Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Additionally, based on the constitutional directive principles, the Ministry has to ensure, through reservations and quotas, an adequate representation of the scheduled classes and the scheduled tribes (those sections of Indian society that have been traditionally economically backward and were not allowed to get an education or participate in the economic growth) and the minorities (based on religious, ethnic or regional considerations) (DHE, 2010). All Universities in India have to follow the directives of the Ministry of government and the legislative framework in setting their missions and objectives.

Notes: Most of the structure and legislative system of the Universities in India are drives from the mission of promoting equal opportunities to minorities and the special categories. However, there are certain objectives that are chosen based on the current needs of all Indians, and on the principles of a sound education. The higher education is not based on anyone theory of education but it’s a mix of several paradigms to attain what is best for the current needs of the students (Thomas, 2007)

This is the reason, why there are several objectives, though not all of them are exclusive and may be linked to each other. The objectives of educational institutes are based on the concept of critical pedagogy – an approach that aims to develop students to have a critical consciousness and initiative-taking (Kincheloe, 2008).

The objectives also reflect the need for inclusive education where all the participants are allowed to contribute towards the acquisition of knowledge and learning (Jorgensen, Schuh & Nisbet, 2005). Additionally, education is expected to lead to a sustainable vocation and economic independence for the students in the future (UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century, 1998).