Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on smoking in public places Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on smoking in public places Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Now I think it stinks and I hate being around people that smoke and I think it’s a great idea that these businesses put a stop to smoking in their buildings. I also think it’s a great thing that government places also put a stop to that.

Recently though I was in a hotel for a family get together and this hotel had smoking and nonsmoking floors. I found that on the smoking floors there was a terribly dank odor. Notably, the odor did not waft up to my floor. I can’t help but wonder, at what point does the constant regulation become ridiculous? Will we be mandated to not eat meat one day? Where does the regulation begin and where does it end? Also, I think that rather than banning the entire establishment from smoking, perhaps those who do not smoke can decide to go elsewhere. Usually, smoking is allowed outside of a building or on the sidewalk or even in a contained area. I think that the question remains though, whether or not the legislation is getting out of hand and whether I favor the legislation because I am now a nonsmoker and it is more convenient for me or because of the legislation and decision to ban smoking in public places actually have a legitimate purpose.

A. In three to five sentences, describe one specific experience you’ve had that helped to produce your opinion. You may describe a first-hand experience of yours or a related experience that happened to a close friend or family member.

I decided to quit smoking a long time ago. I had always enjoyed smoking because it was a nice form of relaxation and it eased my tension. It was something that I had picked up on without giving it any thought. I personally have no problem with smoking bans in certain buildings and public places. It is clear that smoking is a hazard to the health of the smoker and those around him so I do approve of smoking bans.