Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Market Research Programs at Castle Bingo Company.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Market Research Programs at Castle Bingo Company. Castle Bingo’s online web site concentrates on the information based on the club information. The current location for the main club is favored mostly especially on the by the focusing groups but their experience is expected towards the current location of the sites for the new facilities. The main concern is that the offline and online castle leisure is to focus on the effective marketing research program. Clearly, there is a feeling of the focus group members that the current contract of leisure in the problem.

This is perceived from the work against all the sports for all the members and the promotion including the management which is mostly concerned with the targeting group. Improving the quality of the on going centers in a better location would encourage the current users on the improvement of effective marketing programs though these issues would be addressed in the management teams. Most of the people urge that the council should use its funding including the tax from the councils to provide sports and other services in order to make the marketing research effective and efficiency. The decisions of the managers in Castle Bingo are based on the benefits of the company as a whole but not on the side of the individuals. Castle leisure researches interviewed a representative sample targeting 1000 people from the city using an agreed questionnaire. The following analysis refers to the total sample of 1020 including the subgroups of the sample based on the location of the interview, age, and sex. This usually means that concern is on the basis of justifying the analysis of at least 50 though the samples sometimes might be smaller drawing the attention of the relevant information. The sample is based on the research principles equivalent to those used in the other sports meaning that the decision can be made on the data within the whole sample of 50% which gives the correct answer which can be sure of getting 96% of the whole samples.

The study which comes in mind of the researchers is the techniques on how to conduct marketing research programs for this study in order to have an effective market research report. Secondly, is the basic step in following the order in sequence way in order to complete the project? In Castle Bingo online club, an effective marketing research program starts with a problem faced by the management staff. Here, the problem has to be formulated and understood very clearly about the cause and solutions found in solving problems. In this case, the management problem is translated into the research problem whereby, they are analyzed and monitored step by step on the basic research in finding the solution to the problem.