Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic The Main Features of Iranian Cinema Before and After the Islamic Revolution.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic The Main Features of Iranian Cinema Before and After the Islamic Revolution. Reza Shah Pahlevi together with his son, rising of Khomeini the advent of the Islamic Republic as well as the tragic war with Iraq (Duhnkrack 2013). Iranian cinema cannot be isolated from politics and social development which is traceable to 1906 when the bourgeoisie and the constitutional had taken over the internal nature of Iran. Iran’s discovery of oil and the entrance into the era of global capitalism and the formation of the communist party are all aspects that help understand the journey of cinema in Iran.

The most important forms of art in Iran were modern literature and poetry with their own aesthetic space past the colonially restricted modernity that defined time. These forms of art however were only for the royals. Even though cinema in Iran can be traced back to the early 1900s, it had not yet found its footing only to later emerge as a populist art in the form of public storytelling. Strong opposition by the religious leaders was felt due to the nature of the cinema which was viewed as against the Islamic principles.

The Bas-reliefs in Persepolis is one of the first visual representations in the history of Iran. This was the center for rituals of Achameinids, an ancient kingdom. This visual representation style reached its highest peak centuries later during the reign of Sassanian. A complex hunting scene is depicted by in a bas-relief in western Iran. The actions and movements are shown clearly in a sophisticated manner, also articulating a wounded lion running away from the hunting ground. Shortly after the Arabs invaded, advocating for Islam rather than Zoroastrianism Persian art continued. Visual symbols were avoided in Islam. Persian miniatures became popular. Lack of perspective allowed artists to have several plots and subplots together with the picture (Duhnkrack 2013).

Pardeh-Khani was an example of such popular arts where the artist uncovered the painting as the story continued.&nbsp.