History homework help

Answer each question section by section 2-7. No MLA or Apa format. NO MORE THAN 2,500 words.
1) This presentation focuses on the protest on Tommie Smith and John Carlos in the 1968 Olympics.
2. At the beginning of your presentation, give a one-paragraph description of your protest, including any history you feel is relevant. Note: This is not a social studies report, so keep this section relatively short. Just give us enough information to understand what your protest is about.
3.looked at the following chart by Richard Schechner comparing ritual (emphasis on efficacy) and theater (emphasis on entertainment):
Ritual (efficacy) : Results, Link to an absent other, performer possessed, audience participates, Audience Beliefs, criticsim discouraged, collective creativity,
 Theater (entertainment): Fun, Only for those present, performer aware, audience watches, audience appreciates, how criticism flourishes, individual creativity.  
After you have introduced your protest in step 2, discuss HOW DO ALL the paired comparisons in the two columns above both apply AND do not apply to the protest movement you have selected.
For example, in what ways is the “audience” for your protest asked to “believe” in what it is watching, and in what ways is the audience simply being asked to “appreciate” what it is watching (remember, in this case “appreciate” means, “enjoy or take pleasure in”)? Is there a link or appeal to an “absent other” (i.e., someone or something not physically present at the protest, but to whom the protest might in some way be directed), or is the protest only being performed for those actually present? Does your protest movement encourage criticism? If so, from whom and for what purpose? And although we think of protests as serious business, in what ways does “fun” enter into it, of at all?
4. After you have analyzed your protest in relationship to Schechner’s chart, explore in what ways your protest can be compared to and contrasted with the Changing of the Guard ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier that we also examined in the week 3 lecture. You can focus on form or content or both.
Note: Although on the surface, your protest and the guard ceremony might seem to have nothing in common, if you think about it for a bit you might be surprised to discover the connections and contrasts you can draw. Link below.
5. Here is a spoken-word piece called “Touchscreen” by Marshall Davis Jones (this has been specially added for this assignment; it is not from one of the course lectures). Follow the same instructions for the Changing of the Guard video and explore in what ways your protest can be compared to and contrasted with the protest you have chosen. As with the Guard video, the points of comparison may not be obvious at first glance. Link below
6. Finally, find three (3) pieces of media — graphics, audio, and/or video — that specifically relate to the protest you have chosen, embed them into your presentation, and compare and contrast one selection to the Schechner chart, one to the Guard ceremony, and one to the Marshall David Jones performance. Obviously, given the length limits of this assignment, you won’t be able to cover every single point of intersection or departure between your media and the source material, so feel free to focus on a key point or two if you like. The main goal is to show that you have meaningfully reflected on how your media examples relate to the assignment materials.
7. At the end of the presentation, summarize your analysis in one paragraph. Nothing forces you to think through your argument more than a clear recapitulation of its central points. I’ve seen many promising presentations weakened by abrupt endings that fail to tie the ideas together. It’s almost like the author just walked away at the end of a thought, and that does not provide satisfying closure for the reader.