>History homework help


Research Paper Instructions – “HIEU 390 – Modern Europe”.


This course features a final project of a research paper. Many of the projects in this course lead and build to the research paper to build your confidence in researching like a historian. Your research paper will immerse you in what it will take to produce a good historical analysis. Follow the instructions and rubric to ensure your success on this assignment.


The traditional research monograph is a hallmark of the historian’s craft. This includes working off your research and individual research question that you have now turned into a thesis. To make a perfect research paper, you will need to follow the same principles you would for a research prospectus, except you are analyzing and integrating all of your work. You will still need a strong introduction detailing your thesis and how you will formulate your argument to support your thesis. Your paper will include a brief discussion of the historiography on the topic. This can be just a few paragraphs on the major thinkers and historians in the field. Finally, the bulk of your paper will be spent analyzing the thesis and supporting your main argument by including primary sources, secondary sources, and your interpretation of this information. You will need to tie everything then together and reiterate your thesis in your conclusion. Remember, you’re going to set up your argument, give your argument, then restate it. Ideally, this is the paper that you will write.

The purpose of a prospectus is to develop your ideas on a topic of your own individual thought process. As this is meant to be a class that develops your content knowledge, so the goal is to prepare you better to write and develop historical arguments while building your knowledge of the period. The prospectus can be used if you do not yet have access to the required primary sources to finish your paper. Note that often it is hard to do a research prospectus well as it is a technical document, but it can set you up for a future more in-depth research project.

For your research prospectus, you will introduce your topic, include your thesis, and set up your background for your question. You will give a historiographical background, including some of the major researchers in the field you are studying and what they are saying about this topic. This does not have to be an in-depth discussion, just an overview. However, your discussion should be clear enough to add context to the rest of your research. Second, you will analyze your thesis and look at the parts that constitute the answers. This may be the bulk of your paper. You should provide a detailed description of your primary sources and how to use them in your paper. Evaluate them for trustworthiness and how they elucidate your topic. Finally, give a clear conclusion that clarifies your project. It would be best to reiterate what you did in your paper and provide a concise wrap up of your prospectus.

Note you will need to select which you will choose, the research clearly monograph or the research prospectus.

Whether you pick a traditional research paper or prospectus, your paper will be between 2,000 and 2,500 words, between 8-10 pages of content. Your word count will not include a bibliography, citations, or cover page. Your paper should conform to the 9th edition of Turabian. Find this style guide in your course to ensure you are making sure your information is properly formatted and structured. This includes at minimum 1” margins, Times New Roman 12 pt. Font.




The previous assignment was this “Research Prospectus Topic/Thesis Selection

You can view the submitted document for that one here, which got an “18/20”. (it’s attached)

HIEU 390 Research Prospectus Topic Thesis_Updated.Done.Edited_Removal.docx

This has nothing to do with the paper; this is already submitted for the class and your reference.


The only thing I could add to this is that it’s for “Modern Europe” so the topic would have to be from this area.

This course provides an in-depth study of Modern Europe’s development, from the turn of the 20th century to the Cold War’s political and social upheavals, focusing on political, military, intellectual, and economic developments.

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