how did scrooge change from the beginning to the end

How did Scrooge change at the end? – At the end of the novella, Scrooge has completely transformed into a philanthropic and altruistic individual rather than a misanthropist. This notion is made clear when it says, “I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I’m quite a baby”. Scrooge has changed his outlook and his behaviour.

What did Scrooge become by the end of the story? – Overjoyed, Scrooge commits to being more generous and compassionate; he accepts his nephew’s invitation to Christmas dinner, provides for Cratchit and his family, and donates to the charity fund. In the end, he becomes known as the embodiment of the Christmas spirit and as a “second father” to Tiny Tim.

What is Scrooge like at the end of the novel? – By the end of the story, Scrooge is a changed man, sharing his wealth and generosity with everyone. According to Dickens’s description, Scrooge is cold through and through. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. Dickens uses pathetic fallacy to represent Scrooge’s nature.

How does Scrooge change in Stave 1? – In stave one he is presented as selfish, rude, angry and lonely. ‘Warning all human sympathy to keep its distance. ‘ he is thoroughly dislikeable. Through the attentions of Marley’s ghost and the journey Scrooge takes through the past present and future Scrooge changes and becomes likable.

How does Scrooge change throughout the play? – In Scrooge we see a man who is transformed from a greedy, selfish miser into a generous and good-natured character by the end. He is shown the error of his ways by the ghosts that visit him and is redeemed by his own willingness to change.

How did the spirits change Scrooge? – When the spirits take Scrooge to the past present and future, Scrooge undergoes a major transformation Dickens demonstrates this by showing that Scrooge changed from a lonely, greedy man, that didn’t like Christmas and dislike people to a generous man that likes Christmas and was more accepting of other people.

How does Scrooge’s view of money change from the beginning of the play to the end? – How does Scrooge’s view of money change from the beginning of the play to the end? He did not like Shari g his wealth with others. Then he realized that it was better to share money with others and the less-fortunate.

How does Scrooge change throughout the Christmas carol? – In Scrooge we see a man who is transformed from a greedy, selfish miser into a generous and good-natured character by the end. He is shown the error of his ways by the ghosts that visit him and is redeemed by his own willingness to change.

How does Scrooge change after the ghost of Christmas past? – The main role of The Ghost of Christmas Past is to help Scrooge begin his process of change. By showing him memories of his past, the ghost reminds him of the goodness that used to be in him and of the people he used to love. This begins to melt Scrooge’s frozen heart and causes him to rethink his way of living.

Which spirit changed Scrooge the most? – The spirit who helped Scrooge change the most is The Ghost of Christmas Present because he helped Scrooge to to care about others, celebrate Christmas, and learn empathy. First of all, Scrooge starts to care about others. The Ghost of Christmas Present took Scrooge to visit the home of his clerk, Bob Cratchit.

How do you think Scrooge changed his life after the experiences with the ghosts? – 1. How do you think Scrooge changed his life after these experiences with the ghosts? Answer: He became sympathetic and started to understand the pain and suffering of the needy. He no longer believed Christmas to be humbug but a time to make merry in the midst of people one loves.