Humanities Homework Help

University of Leeds WK14 Formative Assessment and Engagement Education & Teaching Paper


Assignment 2 Stage 2 [Due: Friday 4 June 2021 (Week 14). Mark: 50%, minimum 25%] Conduct an item analysis on the results obtained by the administration of the prepared in Stage I. You will need data from about 15-20 students. Notes to assist you in writing up your Project 1. The Guttman Scale In presenting your final project, the following notes may be helpful. In fact, it is strongly recommended that in the first step, you organise your data as suggested. The suggestion is based on the concept of a scale articulated by L. Guttman in the 1950’s, and hence often known as a Guttman Scale. If a set of test items, which in the first instance imagine are multiple choice items scored correct (1) and incorrect (0), are to form a scale, then the number correct must mean more than simply a count of the number correct in a test. In a scale, if Person A obtains 7 items correct and Person B obtains 5 correct, then Person A with 7 correct should have answered correctly the 5 that Person B answered correctly, and in addition, another two items, usually the two that are the next more difficult. Pearson A with 7 correct and Person B with 5 correct should not answer correctly two completely different sets of items. The strict Guttman Scale pattern for 6 items includes those below, where the items are ordered in difficulty. The greater the total score, the greater the ability implied.