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IOP 490 University of Phoenix Chapter 11 BS IOP Program Workplace Evaluation PPT


Wk 1 – Program Evaluation and Reflection Paper [due Mon] Part 1


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Evaluate what you have learned from the time of entry into the BS/IOP program through now.


Consider a minimum of five concepts you have learned and how they can be applied in the workplace. In addition, think about some concepts that are still unclear, or you would like to learn more about.


Reflect on personal workplace experiences and professional goals for using your newfound knowledge of industrial/organizational psychology.


Write a 700-word reflection paper, summarizing your experience in the BS/IOP program, including the topics described above.


Note. This can be written in first person.


You must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least two scholarly references in APA style. See Tips for Success article for Class Announcements for guidance on selecting scholarly references.


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines and Submit in Microsoft Word format. No other formats accepted.


Wk 1 – Part I: Project Portfolio Workplace Assessment – The Whole System Part 2


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Resource: Ch. 11, p. 176 of Flawless Consulting


Block (2011) states, “The option is to involve the whole client system much more directly in redefining the problem, naming a desired future, outlined alternative actions, and deciding how to proceed. Many consultants and support people have adopted the whole-system approach and redefined their role to be one of convening people to collectively develop a change strategy (p. 176). Block introduces his concept of a whole-system discovery process and can be used in a workplace evaluation.


Evaluate your workplace or one that is familiar to you. Identify an organizational issue and complete a needs assessment of this workplace issue in terms of concepts learned throughout the BS/IOP program. Apply strategies for performance improvement related to the following:


  • Leadership style
  • Organizational culture
  • Mission, vision, and values alignment
  • System of management
  • Decision making
  • Motivational techniques
  • Employee morale
  • Ethics
  • Communication and feedback


Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation detailing your workplace evaluation.


You must support opinions and any facts by citing credible sources in the body of the assignment and listing the references including at least two scholarly references in APA style. See Tips for Success article for Class Announcements for guidance on selecting scholarly references.


Every slide needs at least 100 words of speaker notes in complete sentences. Title slide and reference slide do not count in minimum slide count.


Before preparing this assignment, make sure to read / review the Tips on the Project Portfolio Assignments posted in Announcements.


Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines and submit in Microsoft PowerPoint format. No other formats accepted.