Humanities Homework Help

LA365 OL1 Academy of Art University Parasite Movie Psychoanalysis Review


The Case-Study Research Paper, due in Module 14, will be based on Modules 1–14. You will submit a 5 to 7-page research paper (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) that explores psychological disorders in one of the movies listed below. Please select and view one of these films, and discuss the main characters and plot as a psychological case study. You should discuss one or two significant characters, and determine which mental disorders discussed in the textbook, module, and DSM-5 apply to them. You will determine the diagnosis, treatment, etiology, and prognosis for the character(s) you choose to analyze. Include at least eight class-sourced references and three references from your outside research on the case study/diagnoses (a total of 11 references).

If you’ve already written about your prognosis, you can choose to write more in-depth about your “patient’s” symptoms, treatments, etiology, and/or overlapping symptom sets with additional disorders. The purpose of these module assignments is to cumulatively write up your final paper so please work on whichever aspect of your analysis you feel would best support your thesis. I do hope this additional clarification is helpful.