Humanities Homework Help

Ashford University International Conflict The New World Spanish Explorers Paper


Watch Archaeology Tells the Dark Story of Explorer Hernando De Soto found at and respond to the following question.

What kind of societies did the early Spanish explorers of the interior of North American find there? What was the impact of this first contact experience on the Native American societies? What was the Columbian Exchange, and how is De Soto’s march through southeastern North America a good example of this process in action?

After completing the assigned readings, respond to the following question, and reply to at least one of your classmate’s responses. This should be in another word doc

Who were the first explorers in North America, and what were their motives? What economic factors helped create interest in the New World? What was the Reformation, and how did it encourage further interest in the Americas? How did international conflict in the sixteenth century also help increase interest in North America?