Humanities Homework Help

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Discussion


Exploring Disorders Common in Childhood

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1. Choose ONE of the following disorders common in childhood for your focus:
Separation Anxiety
Selective Mutism
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Conduct Disorder

2. Share a video related to the disorder. It should be by someone with experience with this disorder, either as a professional (doctor, therapist, teacher, etc.) or in their personal life (someone diagnosed with the disorder, or a family member, etc.). If you can embed the video, that’s great, but otherwise it’s fine to simply insert a link.

3. In 300+ words, describe three main points made within the video that stand out to you. Let us know why those points stand out to you and how they relate to what we’ve learned from the textbook.

written by my classmate

Seperation Anxiety (Links to an external site.)

Point 1: The disorder I chose was Separation anxiety, because I relate heavily to this term. The biggest point to me from the video is that separation anxiety reveals it’s big head more-so in adults than it does in children. the term is talked alot about reference into babies when dealing with when their parents leave them for work or something along those lines. But after learning it happens to adults, I looked at my adult life so far as a 23 year old and bluntly saw how this plays a role in my life. I noticed how when I first moved out my moms house, I experienced homesickness alot and being on my own was very difficult and had a huge learning curve, while also nothing that from my past romantic relationships, how this disorder played too. whenever my past partners left, I always had this feeling of please don’t leave me.

Point 2: The fear of something bad happening to a loved one rampages your mind consistently. I think I and many others experienced this greatly when the pandemic first happened what would happen to ourselves but moreso our loved ones. I worried more about my elderly parents who are in their 60’s and thats who covid was going to affect the most, I feared of losing my parents all the time until I got back into therapy and just had to let the cards where they may.

Point 3: The fear of being alone or from attachment figures. I think many people struggle with this, I think many extroverted people struggled with this when the pandemic first started because of safety and health protocols it was the best thing to do. If you can”t be okay or happy alone, than being around people won’t just solve your life issues and make them perfect. I think me personally I like being alone, I don’t have to put up an act or make to make others feel okay or myself cool or whatever. I think the hardest thing for me is to find that balance because at time Is do be alone too much, but it’s always great to socialize and do and meet new people. Just find a healthy happy medium for your type of self.

Ultimately I think separation anxiety is a real disorder thats not talked about enough and would be more present and so we should talk about resolutions or plans for people dealing heavily with this disorder.