Humanities Homework Help
Collin County Community College Differences in Intellectual Functioning Questions
Differences in Intellectual Functioning:
- How does the IQ of low SES (socioeconomic status) children compare with middle- or upper-class children?
- How does the IQ of African-American children compare to European American age mates? How do Latina, Latino, and Native Americans perform with regard to IQ scores?
- Research suggests that parental encouragement and supervision in combination with peer support for academic achievement help explain the differences in ethnic groups. Explain and support this basis.
part 2
For this assignment you need to define the four types of Operant responses: Reinforcement (both positive and negative) and Punishment (both positive and negative).
Provide one concrete example of each of the 4 types of responses.
Also define the 4 schedules of partial reinforcement and provide an example of each.