Humanities Homework Help

Collin County Community College Differences in Intellectual Functioning Questions


Differences in Intellectual Functioning:

  1. How does the IQ of low SES (socioeconomic status) children compare with middle- or upper-class children? 
  2. How does the IQ of African-American children compare to European American age mates?  How do Latina, Latino, and Native Americans perform with regard to IQ scores?
  3. Research suggests that parental encouragement and supervision in combination with peer support for academic achievement help explain the differences in ethnic groups.  Explain and support this basis.

part 2

For this assignment you need to define the four types of Operant responses: Reinforcement (both positive and negative) and Punishment (both positive and negative).  

Provide one concrete example of each of the 4 types of responses.

Also define the 4 schedules of partial reinforcement and provide an example of each.