Humanities Homework Help

Pierce College Wallach The Western Led Modern World Discussion


In chapters 9 and 10, Wallach describes a modern world that has become more centralized around the European West. More specifically, Wallach describes the modern rise of a “technological civilization” in the European West and its diffusion around the world through processes of colonialism and globalization, all facilitated by evolving networks of transportation and communication. After reading these chapters, respond to this discussion assignment as follows:

1 Post an initial response to the discussion prompts below. As a general guideline, this initial post should be a couple paragraphs long (approximately 250 words). You are not expected to address every question listed below, nor are you expected to write about all of the chapters around which this discussion is built. Instead, pick out one or two broad themes or specific ideas that caught your attention from any of these chapters and summarize them for your classmates, highlighting why you think these themes/ideas are interesting and important.

2 Add additional posts responding further to the discussion. You may highlight additional themes and ideas as you continue your reading, but you also should read and comment upon your classmates’ responses. These discussion assignments are intended to serve as a virtual reading group where we work our way through the same book together, through interactive question and comment. • To what extent do you believe that globalization is the same thing as westernization?

• Do you see westernization and/or globalization as something good for people around the world, or instead as changes that bring more problems than benefits?

• Wallach illustrates his book with numerous current-event anecdotes. Since the book is more than 15 years old, these events are no longer so current. Find and share a recently published news story that illustrates an idea in chapter 9 or 10, as if you were a research assistant hired by Wallach to help with writing a revised second edition of the book. In addition to a URL hyperlink and a brief bibliographic description of the published story (author, headline/title, name of publication, date originally published/posted), write a quick summary of the article along with a short discussion of how it could be used to revise the book. The article you share could potentially correct or update a fact that appears in the original book, or it might challenge or extend an idea that Wallach presented illustrating that the world of 2021 is not quite what he had envisioned back in 2005. THIS IS FROM THE BOOK UNDERSTANDING THE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE YOU ONLY NEED TO READ CHAPTERS 9 AND 10 YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESPOND TO ALL THE PROMPTS.