Humanities Homework Help

The Best Rock Guitarists Music Essay


A classic rock music argument revolves around determining the best ______ in rock.

For this assignment, choose an instrument common in rock music:







Next, write a 2-3 page essay(APA style) naming your choices for the Top 3 players/performers in rock music. Give examples of great riffs and solos, name songs, tell stories. make the case for why these three are the best ________ in the world and, in the end, name your Number One ______________ of all time and explain why they take the top spot.

Be specific in your argument. You may decide to base your answer on technical merits, legendary status, classic performances or recordings, or any other criteria you choose, but you must provide a critical argument that makes clear and well-defined points. (ie, it will not be sufficient to simply declare someone to be “the best” because you like their work.)

To reiterate, for this assignment you will be writing about the Top 3 Rock Guitarists of All Time, or the Top 3 Rock Vocalists, or the Top 3 Rock Drummers, etc.