Humanities Homework Help

Eastern Gateway Community College Chapter 8 American Studies Question


Chapter 8 Assignment

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Locate an article that covered the 2016 presidential election. Look for evidence in the article for priming, framing, and slant. Make sure to include in your assignment:

  • Name of the article and its author
  • Is the article made by a public or private entity?
  • Who is the author trying to reach (audience)?
  • Are they playing more to one specific ideology and if so, what ideology is it?

Looking at the article as a whole, and based on what you have found in your analysis, do you believe that this article is a credible source? Why?

Some general guidelines to follow:

Your analysis should incorporate the material from section 8.4.-The Impact of the Media.

The primary learning objective for this assignment is to:

  • Identify forms of bias in news coverage and ways the media can present biased coverage.

You are to identify what bias is? What type(s) of bias are present in your article, if any. Use the text – include cited page numbers to write your analysis. The purpose of this assignment is to recognize whether a source is credible, and objective. Please let me know if you have any other questions.