Humanities Homework Help

Liberty University Religion Ralph Ellison Biographical Sketch


Biographical Wiki Assignment Instructions


In this assignment, you will highlight African American literary figures who have influenced African American life and culture. You will also assess reliable reference sources, foster critical thinking skills as you review one another’s work, and interact among peers as you review and edit one another’s work.


You will choose a person from the list provided, use reliable reference sources to compile a short biographical sketch (2 paragraphs) for that person, and post your work to the Biographical Wiki. You need to address the background of the author, his/her contributions to the field of literature and his/her influence on African American culture.

Step 1: Choose a person from the list below and create a page in the Biographical Wiki. Check to make sure the person you selected has not already been posted to the wiki by another student.

List of historical figures for Step 1: Women in Western Civilization 


  1. James Baldwin
  2. Toni Morrison
  3. Claude McKay
  4. Zora Neale      Hurston
  5. Maya Angelou
  6. W. E. B.      DuBois
  7. Ralph Ellison
  8. Alex Haley
  9. Langston      Hughes
  10. Richard      Wright
  11. Alice Walker
  12. August Wilson
  13. James Weldon      Johnson
  14. Jessie Redmon      Fauset
  15. Joseph Seamon      Cotter
  16. Countee      Cullen
  17. Alain Locke
  18. Octavia      Butler
  19. Lorraine      Hansberry
  20. Gwendolyn      Brooks
  21. Henry Louis      Gates Jr.
  22. Colson Whitehead
  23. Dorothy West
  24. Paul Beatty
  25. Paul Dunbar
  26. Amiri Baraka
  27. Alice      Childress
  28. Phillis      Wheatley
  29. Rita Dove
  30. Nikki      Giovanni
  31. Terry      McMillan
  32. Robert Hayden

Step 2: Research the person using reliable reference sources. (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.) and works of historical scholarship (peer-reviewed journal articles, essay collections, historical monographs). Do not use an open web search, popular magazines, or works targeting children. Do not use the course text as a source for this assignment.

Use at least 3 different reference works and provide source citations for each source used.

Reference sources for Step 2:

The best reference sources are available in Liberty’s library. The following are recommended for this assignment.

Britannica Academic Edition—essentially an encyclopedia, but with links to dictionaries and websites. Be sure to correctly identify and cite the specific source used.

Gale Virtual Reference Library—a database collection of reference works. Look for titles that include the word encyclopedia or dictionary. If you use this database, remember to cite the specific reference work (ebook) used.

Oxford Reference Online Premium—an extensive database collection of reference works. Look for titles that include the word encyclopedia or dictionary. If you use this database, remember to cite the specific reference work (ebook) used.

Step 3: Synthesize the information you have gathered into a single, concise biographical sketch. Give a short summary of the person’s life and most significant achievements and situate the person in the historical context as it relates to this course. Write two paragraphs using complete sentences.