Humanities Homework Help

SSH 104 LGCC History French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution Essay


Your essays are required to be at least 750 words long and in paragraph form with topic sentences. Use specific details and form complete sentences.

If you use a quote from Marvin Perry, Western Civilization: A Brief History (the textbook) please cite page number. If you are using an outside source, it must be cited as well (MLA or APA). Please keep all quotations and citations very brief, and paraphrase whenever possible. This essay should be either entirely, or almost entirely, in your own words.

Since you are writing this outside of a classroom where time is limited, your answers are expected to be more comprehensive, thoughtful, and detailed than in an in-class essay. Some of the questions may require some information that we have not yet covered in the class but is available through further research into the textbook or other sources.

Choose one of the questions below to construct your essay around. Grading of your exam will be based upon organization, clarity, completeness, thinking, writing, and content

Warning: Any detected plagiarism, cut and paste from another source, duplicate efforts, or similar attempts at cheating will result in a grade of 0 for the final exam.Your final essay will be worth 50 points. Final Essays are due Saturday June 12 by midnight.

  1. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the French Revolution and the industrial revolution stood alongside each other as being among the most important events in modern history. Why were they so important, and in what ways did the scientific revolution and Enlightenment thought influence both revolutions? In what ways did the two events mutually reinforce each other?
  1. Nazism was an ideology of the 20th Century, but it can also be said that many of the components or strains of thought that Nazism adopted were already present, although less pronounced, in Germany following its unification in 1871. What elements of late 19th Century and early 20th Century German thought and culture were adopted and exploited by Hitler’s Third Reich? What made the Third Reich an extreme departure from Germany as it existed from 1871 to 1914?
  1. “I know what I mean when I write that in 1900 the world was young. Indeed, humanity in our corner of the world has aged through the century — aged by losing a chunk of its innocence and hope, aged also in the sense of matured, by having become wiser because of what we have gone through, less arrogant, less cruel, less biased — if, often, only by being more conscious of how we should think and act.”—Hans Koning, The Atlantic, September 1997

Write an essay in defense or in opposition to Koning’s statement using evidence (events, persons, developments, etc.) that we have covered in class and from your personal historical knowledge bank dating from the beginning of the 20th Century to the present.


Western Civilization A Brief History, vol. II Since 1600. Eleventh Edition