Humanities Homework Help

NRE 663 Pediatric Health Care Practitioners Annotated Bibliography


Assignment 2.4

For this assignment, you are to type directly on the form that is attached. She also included an example of what it should look like. Assignment should not exceed 400 words.

A screenshot of the rubric is also attached.

Getting Started

For this workshop, you will have an opportunity to research the literature on the topic covered this week. The purpose of this assignment is to enrich your knowledge in the area of the state or national human trafficking-related policy and/or legislation.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Locate and summarize current literature about state or national human trafficking-related policy or legislation


  • Other library databases to locate peer-reviewed scholarly material
  • File: Annotated Bibliography Form


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Select an article about state or national human trafficking-related policy.
  3. Complete a thorough, relevant, peer-reviewed literature search, wherein you select from the current literature (within the last five years) about your selected topic. Inclusive in that search would be peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and relevant, academic website materials found on governmental sources such as the Office on Trafficking in Persons.
  4. Using the Annotated Bibliography Form, compose an introduction that introduces the topic in one or two sentences. Summarize and justify from your literature search why your article is important (use startling statistics and stress its impact). Briefly review the topic’s historical significance. Lastly, synthesize the relevance of your topic, such as how your topic is important for informing and/or changing current practice(s), any push/pull factors, and specific discussion of victim/survivor issues. NOTE: this composition should not exceed 400 words.
  5. When you have completed your work, save a copy for yourself and submit your work using the assignment submission link below and to the Shared Documents Discussion by the end of the workshop.