Humanities Homework Help

World Dance by Global Motion Analysis



Opening Paragraph: Performance Information: title of work, company, choreographer, and dancers (when appropriate), the date you saw the performance and the name of the theater (if applicable) plus a brief overview.!Briefly describe: who, what, where, and when.Example for video or virtual performance:I watched Global Motionperformance that was streamed online on November 30, 2020. There were six dance works presented, each about different feelings and unrelated to each other. These six pieces were Philippines dance “Remember” choreographed by Toni Pasion, Tahitian dance “E Revi” choreographed by Keali’iCeballos, … and so on”Paragraph 24: Discuss 3piecesin depth.Briefly state why you liked it or disliked it. Make sure to give specific examples to validate your opinion of why you felt that way. !Context: provides history when needed, to help the reader understand the value of the work.!Descriptive language: describewhat you sawthemes, content.!Personal Perspective: how you as the reviewer responded to the video, and supporting examples to WHY you had the reaction.!Apply any applicable information and/or theories from this course: you may recognize a style or genre of movement that we studied and choose to reference it when appropriate. For example: the theories on gender, sexuality, other social issues.Paragraph 5: Conclusion: briefly state what you learned from this experience in the humanities. Was thiswhat you had expected and why? Was this a show you would recommend to othersand why?