Humanities Homework Help

PSY 340 SDSU Digital Ads on Sidewalks & Man Collapsed on A Busy Street Event Essay


Remember your paper is about identifying and describing 10 everyday events from a social psychological perspective. More specifically you are asked to write at least a 1500-word paper describing 10 examples of social psychological phenomena, processes, or concepts that you spot (or would spot) in an everyday situation. The easiest way to do this is to choose (or imagine) a location where there are people (e.g., a park, a city street, the beach) and observe the people in that location. Of course, when doing so make sure you maintain social distance and wear a mask. For each example you choose, make sure to define the phenomenon, process, or concept in your own words followed by a clear description of how the person or people represented or displayed behaviors reflective of the phenomenon, process, or concept. For instance, imagine you saw someone trip and immediately thought that the person must be clumsy, but then you realize that the person tripped over a power cord that was partially covered. In this example, you would use the fundamental attribution error to explain your behavior as well as the process in which you first made a judgment about the person (she is clumsy), while discounting the situational influence (the partially hidden power cord).

Here are some more details and guidelines to keep in mind. Following these details and guidelines will give you the best chance of doing well on the paper.

1) The paper is worth 25 points.

2) Your paper must be at least 1500 words. Use the word count option in word to ensure that your paper meets the word count requirement—DO NOT use the character count. Only the main text counts toward your word count—DO NOT include the title, your name, or references in the word count.

If your paper is under the word count then points will be taken off in the following ways.
1) Word count is between 1000-1499: Lose 3 points
2) Word count is between 500-999: Lose 6 points
3) Word count is under 500: Lose 9 points

3) Make sure to cite any source you use—this includes the textbook. If I see that you have plagiarized, you will NOT receive any points. REMEMBER: forgetting to cite a source or simply copying a phrase from another source is plagiarism. If you have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism then please contact me or the TAs.

4) Use APA formatting when citing your sources. For example, if you were to cite one of my papers, then you would use the following format (Marx, 2019) in the text. Then at the end of your paper you would cite the paper as: Marx, D. M. (2019). Fear of the known?: The effect of peer relevance and gender on women’s math performance under threat. Social Psychology of Education, 22, 1197-1214. You do not need to include an abstract.

5) Papers must be in essay format (i.e., clear sentences and paragraphs, no bullet points, or excessive subheadings).