Humanities Homework Help

Keiser University Science and Religion Project


In Keywords, Laura Briggs says that science is often (inaccurately) seen as THE knowledge instead of A knowledge, as if calling something scientific is the same as saying that it is TRUE or REAL.

In Jason’s video lecture, however, we learn that science and religion are actually just different ways of knowing; a lot of the differences between them are socially constructed.

He explains how science and religion are NOT so easily distinguished. Nor are they  necessarily in conflict or opposition.

1. By Wednesday, find a newspaper article in English that presents science as true or factual and religion as merely belief, as if religion and science are naturally, necessarily opposed, completely separate, unquestioningly bracketed. Write one sentence summarising what the article says.

2. By Sunday, draw a 4 panel comic strip about something, anything related to someone else’s post. Make sure that no one else has responded to that post. Please do not worry about the ‘artistic’ skill. You can trace, or make it on the computer with copy paste, or draw stick figures or just draw poorly. The point is just to try it out so that you understand what goes in to representing something through comic strips!