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NU Will Mindfulness Helps Students with Anxiety Improve Their Grades Essay


Method Paper on “will mindfulness helps students with anxiety improve their grades”  

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Dear Writer, please complete “Method Paper” part only.   You need to use the information from that last assignment to complete this new one. My whole research is going to be about mindfulness, research behind mindfulness and the positive effects it can have, anxiety in children and teens research, anxiety at school research. And how I plan to practice mindfulness exercises with students who have anxiety in hopes that it will improve their grades  This is what my method is going to be: I want to look into and see if mindfulness can help students with anxiety do better in their schoolwork and help improve their grades. What I plan to do is ask teachers if they have any students they notice with anxiety, I will look at their grades, get permission from parents, and then work on mindfulness exercises in hopes that they will build this new skill of using these exercises whenever they feel anxious, especially in the classroom. After working with students for a period of time I would like to see if there was any improvement with their grades. It has the potential to have long-term effects on occupational and social well-being throughout the rest of life.  My topic of this paper and research is “will mindfulness helps students with anxiety improve their grades” Only scholarly articles or scientific journals or books