Humanities Homework Help

Abia Polytechnic University Nonprofit Management Discussion


Learning objectives associated with this discussion

This discussion is associated with the four learning objectives in this module, in particular:

Instructions for this Discussion

For this discussion, respond to the following:

Based on Crutchfield and Grant’s “Six practices of high-impact nonprofits,” discuss, explain, elaborate:

Why are these practices are important?

What three other practices do you think would be important for nonprofits to be more effective and to strengthen their impact?

Make sure to develop/add “three more practices” based on all posted readings. Each of the posted readings presents an important theme and practical guide for high impact performance. Use the themes/guides in your discussion and explain why your suggestions would be important for nonprofits to be more effective and to strengthen their impact. You may also use your own experiences and observations.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words. You will also need to post a response to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

Also, make sure that your response(s) are substantial and consist of at least 100 words.

I will be responding to these two post

1. Crutchfield and Grant’s “Six practices of high-impact nonprofits” are very import in the nonprofit sector. They researched the doings of some of the most successful nonprofits and U.S. history and found the keys to their success. They laid out a model or tips to follow that has helped these nonprofits be successful. The six points or tips are to Advocate and serve , Make markets work ,Inspire evangelists ,Nurture nonprofit networks ,Master the art of adaptation , and Share leadership. These 6 points have something in common, they all have to do with people. That’s what nonprofits are about, to help people! building relationships with people can help with all these points and will be key to be successful. Capacity building can help with improving Relationships by identifying a communications strategy to help proceed. Capacity Building is another practice that can help build a nonprofit and not just now but for the future of nonprofit. “capacity building refers to many different types of activities that are all designed to improve and enhance a nonprofit’s ability to achieve its mission and sustain itself over time” In their definition it say something that is can sum up this process, it says “Capacity building is not a one-time effort .” This a continuous effort to keep improving the nonprofit. Another practice that’s important is Strategic alliances. Strategic alliances is when nonprofits help each other to further the reach and help of their nonprofits. buy utilizing strategic alliances a nonprofit can revolutionize their service by using others tools and resource while lending others their resources and tools. A good way to improve a nonprofits is to follow these practices.

2. According to Crutchfield and Grant’s “Six practices of high-impact nonprofits,” in order to have a successful nonprofit organization six practices should be followed. The first four practices are more external and represent how these groups expand their impact outside the borders of their own organizations. 1. Advocate and serve. This means that “high-impact organizations don’t just focus on doing one thing well. They may start out providing great programs, but eventually they realize that they cannot achieve systemic change through service delivery alone. So they add policy advocacy to access government resources or to change legislation, thus expanding their impact.”(Grant). 2. Make markets work. Great nonprofits view the private sector as an asset and not an enemy and look for businesses who are looking for opportunities to work with nonprofits to do their part in doing good. 3. Inspire evangelists. Great nonprofits see volunteers as much more than free labor and they create meaningful ways to engage individuals in emotional experiences to help members want to be apart of the group’s mission and core values. 4.Nurture nonprofit networks. “It is in the best interest of any high-impact organization to work with their competitors. By freely sharing information, best practices, and talent, these organizations can affect the change of their entire field and not just their organization.”(Grant). The last two of the six practices are internal and are things done inside the organization to better the success of the foundation. 5. Master the art of adaptation. Organizations must adapt to increase their success and also to remain relevant and listen to people’s opinions. 6.Share Leadership. By building a strong foundation of leaders and executive teams, a CEO can make a more significant impact than if he or she were to hoard the power.