Humanities Homework Help

SYG 2000 CUNY Lehman College Family Crisis in America Question


As a guideline, your paper should be in a WORD DOCUMENT, APA format, citations in the correct format, Times Roman-double-spaced, a minimum of 5 pages of content with a separate cover page and reference page. The cover page and the reference page do not count toward the page count.  This is not an opinion paper, and I will be expecting you to cite your information and provide references.

Assignment Instructions:  Many scholars and other social commentators argue that we are currently experiencing a family crisis in the United States that signals waning family values and weaker family ties, while others strongly disagree with this interpretation. Using at least three-course readings to support your argument, answer the following question: Are we currently experiencing a family crisis in America? The quality of your answer (and your grade) will not depend on whether you answer yes or no but rather on how well you use material from class to make your case. Your goal for this final assignment is to articulate a well-reasoned and well-argued stance on this issue based on course readings, powerpoints, videos, and discussions.

The three-Course Topics I included for you are:

Marriages in Societal and Individual Perspective

Singlehood and Cohabitation

Separation and Divorce