Humanities Homework Help

Symptoms of Depression Psychology Discussion


Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology question and need guidance to help me learn.

  1. Depression is common but responds well to treatment. Unfortunately, close to 800,000 people die due to suicide every year. Suicide is a global phenomenon and occurs throughout the lifespan. Effective and evidence-based interventions can be implemented at population, sub-population, and individual levels to prevent suicide and suicide attempts. These interventions can be crucial so that people have more time to find the help and support they need to recover from a depressive episode or suicidal ideation.Write an essay on depression and suicide. The essay should include information from the text and video. Include prevalence of depression and suicide, symptoms and warning signs, differences male/female, treatments and interventions, a reflection on Crisis Text Line.
    Crisis Text LineThis is not online therapy. CTL counselors provide do risk analysis and support individuals and provide referrals to therapy after the crisis is at a more manageable level.
    Essay Assignments: There are 4 written essay assignments that will total a possible 100 points. The essays are worth a maximum of 25 points each. A rubric is available in Blackboard with grading requirements. Essays are subject to plagiarism checking software and students will be provided with plagiarism reports along with a graded rubric. Essays are to be 1-2 pages long, double spaced and use 12-point new times roman font. Essays must be turned in on time and correctly in Bb.
  2. Write a discussion post (at least 200 words, see syllabus for detailed instructions) reflecting on your own mindset. Make sure you have already watched Carol Dweck’s Ted Talk, complete the mindset quiz and have gotten your mindset quiz results. Answer all of the questions and prompts below in your discussion post.i. State what your mindset quiz results were (your final scores). ii. Define a growth mindset. Define a fixed mindset. iii. Tell us whether you ever thought about your growth or fixed mindset in the past? If so, when? What did you think specifically? iv. Did you realize you had the mindset you have according to the mindset quiz? v. How do you think you developed the mindset you have? Discuss experiences, times, and people from your life (past or present) that shaped the mindset you Would you like to maintain the mindset you currently have moving forward in your life? Based on Carol Dweck’s Ted Talk, why or why not?vii. If you want to maintain your mindset, how will you do this? If you want to change your mindset, how will you do this?*Start a new thread to publish your discussion post.
  3. Reply to first student
    My mindset results from the quiz added up to 56, this falls under the strong growth mindset area. That particular mindset is described as people understanding that through dedication, hope and personal work, there is possibility of growth in their lives. The opposite, a fixed mindset, often describes people who believe that their personality, intelligence or anything about themselves is set in that original way with out hope of change. I believe both mindsets move beyond personal views and can be seen throughout society. Through out my life I’ve always reflected on my mindset towards growth or fixed, not in those specific terms but in a general aspect. I think that there’s a balance of decisions to almost train oneself to have a growth mindset. For example, when I come to a crossroads or a position where I need to decide which way I want my life to go; I actively tell myself “okay, if you want something to change you have to be fluid to work and move towards the change that you want.” IInstead of wallowing and perpetually playing victim in the messy things life throws at us, I choose to move forward with growth given the circumstances. I’m aware that life is not stagnant so neither are we. I’ve always thought I’ve had a growth mindset since I was a very young age because my parents, siblings and family members instilled that type of mindset within me. I will continue to have this mindset and hopefully improving this mindset as time goes on. I think Dr. Dweck’s study was absolutely wonderful and should be implemented in school programs at a very young age. I’m aware that this mindset takes patience, trust and motivation to maintain throughout my life. I’m choosing to stay positive about my life, surrender to the past and work towards a positive future while assisting others to have similar mindsets according to where they may be in their own lives
  4. Reply to second student
  5. After taking the provided mindset quiz I learned that I have a growth mindset with some fixed ideas. The score range for this category was 34-44 and I received a score of 38, overall. According to the text, a fixed mindset is when a person has the idea that their abilities do not change. A growth mindset is when a person has idea that their abilities can improve an grow. I don’t remember thinking about my mindset in the past. However, since taking the quiz I can see why I got these results. I was always taught by my parents and my teachers that practice makes perfect. Now that I think about it, I remember a time in grade school where I didn’t do as good on reading tests as I could have. After that, my mom had me read the story to her the day before I had a quiz on it. She also had me do the review questions that came after the story, and this helped improve my results on tests like this. I would like to keep the current mindset I have moving forward. According to Carol Dweck, people with a growth mindset are the kind of people that learn from error, whereas people with fixed mindsets would rather cheat or give up rather than trying again. I would think to maintain this mindset I would just keep doing things the way I have been and try not to let myself just give up.