Humanities Homework Help

HIS 3208 ATC LBJ and the 1965 Immigration Act Discussion


I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please read carefully the Primary Source, “LBJ and the 1965 Immigration Act,” from the Unit 9 Course Reader.

In his remarks upon signing the landmark immigration law, President Johnson made a speech arguing for its necessity.  According to LBJ, the new law “corrects a cruel and enduring wrong in the American nation” by liberalizing the criteria for permanent entry into the United States. However, he also stated in his remarks that the “days of unlimited immigration are past.” Please consider the following questions:

How did the 1965 law address the “wrongs” according to LBJ?  Give specific examples from his speech. What do you think he means by “unlimited immigration?” Do you agree that limits to immigration can be necessary, but at the same time treat immigrants in a way that is fair?

What I’m looking for is YOUR own interpretation of the text. DO NOT cut and paste or loosely paraphrase from online sources in your written responses. There is no need to consult outside sources.