Humanities Homework Help

GEOG 2050 AU Globalization and Diversity of Luxembourg and Moldova in Europe Paper


Pick two countries in Europe (two nations- one relatively wealthy nation and one relatively poor nation) (Not two regions as each region include too many countries) to compare / contrast with. It’d be good to select two countries that have big differences for five different themes so that it’d be easier for you to make comparative statements between the countries.

Five Themes in World Regional Geography

1. Environment

A. Climate, Landforms, Soils, Vegetation, Hydrology, Arable Land

B. Human – Environment Ecology

2. Population and Settlement

A. Quantitative (RNI, CBR, CDR, TFR, % < 15 Years of Age) B. Physiological Density

C. Qualitative (Migration Patterns, Push – Pull Factors, Urbanization) D. Settlement Hierarchy

3. Cultural Coherence and Diversity

A. Culture Type (Folk, Ethnic, Popular, World)

B. Cultural Interactions (Diffusion and Barriers), Language, Religion,

4. Geopolitics

A. Political Structure (Nation State versus Multinational State)

B. Boundaries (Natural, Ethnographic, Geometric)

C. Political Unrest, Insurgencies, Border Disputes, Ethnic Cleansing…

D. Colonialism (Decolonization and Ethnicity)

E. International and Supranational Organizations

5. Economic and Social Development

A. Economic Quantitative (GDP, GNI [GNP], PPP)

C. Social Quantitative (Life Expectancy, Mortality Rate < 5 Years of Age, Secondary School

Enrollment, % Women in the workforce)

6. Interesting Physical and/or Cultural Facts to Include in Your Reports

A. Telephones, Internet Connections, Cars, Highways, Military Spending, Tourist Attractions, Wildlife, Parks…

B. Famous People, Authors, and Literature, Music, Foods…

Create fancy tables and graphs to make visual comparisons between two nations. If you can, you can also include some visual illustrations (but, note that they won’t be counted as 5 pages of your paper).

During the semester, students will choose a particular world region for intensive study.
Individually, you will become an authority on several countries or territories in the region and write
a report on your findings. I expect you to examine these regions beyond the textbook. Your
reports consist of a concise and informative minimum five-page paper (12 points, double-spaced
NOT including maps, tables, and figures). Reports should discuss areal differentiation and integration using the five geographic themes
presented in Globalization and Diversity. Keep in mind that quantitative measurements about foreign
locations are meaningless unless they are framed within comparative statements about familiar places.
You must follow MLA (Modern Language Association) style and proper citations and work cited page should appear in your report (refer attached files in Bb for MLA template and work cited instruction).