Humanities Homework Help

Grand Canyon The Johnson White House Tapes by Michael Beschloss Essay


I’m working on a history writing question and need guidance to help me learn.

Critical reviews are a specific form of writing and an essential tool in the field of history. Rather than summarizing a secondary work, as in a book report, a review evaluates the content, style, and context of the work with careful analysis in a short critical essay. Its basic components include (1) a clear theme or argument, (2) a very short profile or synopsis of the book, and (3) a logically organized critical assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, and context of the work.

Using one of your secondary sources, write a critical review of 500 words.
Secondary Source

Benchloss, M. (1997). Taking Charge. The Johnson White House Tapes, 1963-1964. New York, Simon, and Schuster.

Benchloss (1997) offers a look into the recorded tapes of Lyndon Johnson for a perspective from his eyes. The depiction of the office from the onset to the end captures some intricate passions held by Johnson. This also offers an understanding of the passions behind the man and the key beliefs that make the bedrock of his political life. The fateful decision on the issues of poverty and Civil Rights are discussed alongside annotations which enhance an understanding of the presidency. The lasting impact on American politics and culture is a key perspective that enhances the understanding of the audience on Johnson’s leadership approach. The day-to-day operations of the White House under Johnson is an important